School Business Leadership Roundtable

Eventbrite - BGGS Education Conference 2018

You will need to use the code "SBMsRock" when registering to access the free-of-charge roundtable only ticket

Session Overview

We want to influence the national conversation about what does (and doesn't!) work in state schools. Rooted in participants' deep understanding of effective practice, we want to set out an agenda for change that will improve the way schools are run and articulate how the school business leadership profession can contribute to better outcomes for pupils.

Just as with the Headteachers' Roundtable, the event will be non-party political in nature. We will seek to celebrate what works, champion manifesto ideas that make sense irrespective of party and add our own voice to the debate.

I've never been to a roundtable event before, what can I expect?

Don't worry - you won't be the only participant who hasn't been to a roundtable event before. In the two weeks before the event, the organising team will pull some themes together (yes you can make suggestions) and shape some questions for discussion. Some participants will be asked to prepare to lead a discussion theme in advance. Let us know if you are interested in doing this.

I'm not a school business leader, can I attend?

The event is aimed at giving a voice to those working in school business management in a school/multi-academy trust or those who spend the majority of their working week supporting those who do by providing external consultancy.

What sorts of things do you discuss?

See these blogs for details of previous Roundtable meetings

Is there a chance for networking during the event?

The nature of this event means that it is all about talking and getting to know what each other thinks. If there is sufficient interest, then there is the possibility of carrying on the conversation in the pub/curry house after the formal event ends (see are-you-interested-in-a-meal-afterwards question on the registration form)

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Upload copies of any hand-outs to be used and a copy of /link to any presented materials. If materials are to be made available retrospectively, please indicate that here.

Session Details

Date: Friday 2nd March 2018

Time: 1.30pm to 3.35pm

Cost: Free (unless attending other Conference sessions that day)

NB: You will need to use the code 'SBMsRock' when registering to access the free of charge roundtable-only ticket

About the Chair

Name: Matthew Clements-Wheeler

Job title: Deputy Head/Chief Operating Officer

Matthew is a trustee and Fellow of the Institute of School Business Leadership he chaired the SBM practitioner group which created the new standards for the profession. He is also a member of the Fellowship Assessment Panel responsible for appointing practitioners to the highest grade of professional membership.

Currently working as a job-share Deputy Head, Matthew leads the support staff at Bordesley Green Girls' School; an outstanding school in Birmingham.

He started his SBM career in a high-performing grammar school before working in a ‘special measures’ school where he led his team to ‘Outstanding’ in a strand-inspection of the wider workforce. He has served on local governing bodies convened to help secure rapid school improvement for both the Ormiston and AET academy chains.

Prior to working in education, Matthew worked at board level for a number of charities involved in the construction of schools, orphanages and clinics in sub-Saharan Africa.

He has a growing private practice advising a number of leading education organisations on policy issues, as well as delivering training and campaigning for better management of school resources.

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