Geography A Level Edexcel

Session details

The new A levels, first examination in June 2018, mark a shift in the content and style of examinations. Students no longer have modular marks from AS in Year 1 of the course, and are being assessed on two years’ work in a single examination session. For many, this will be their first public examination since GCSEs, and the challenge for many students will be in revising two years of intensive work.

In the first session, Bob will explore the nature of Paper 3, its principles, and ways by which teachers can prepare their students for this examination. Paper 3 is seen by many teachers and their students as particularly challenging. As a synoptic paper, it explores and assesses students’ understanding of the synoptic themes of Players, Attitudes and Actions, and Futures and Uncertainties. These are explored through an unseen Resource Booklet, which draws upon the five compulsory topics in the specification. It will be essential for students to have grasped the concepts of Players, Attitudes and Actions, and Futures and Uncertainties, in order to demonstrate a full understanding of the course.

In the second session, Bob will focus on the exam skills required across the three exam papers, and focusing particularly upon the high level command words such as ‘Assess’ and ‘Evaluate’.

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About the Presenter(s)

Bob Digby  is a freelance consultant in Geography education. He taught for 24 years in three schools in Leeds and London, and for 11 years as a PGCE Geography Education tutor at Sheffield, Manchester and Brunel Universities. He has written several textbooks over the past 25 years, many of them endorsed course textbooks for the Edexcel specifications.

He has been a GCSE Principal Examiner, and now marks exam papers across a variety of assessment types, including coursework. He runs CPD sessions for the major exam boards, as well as for the Geographical Association. He also runs student-focused revision sessions for A level, and fieldwork in Cornwall and in London. He is Honorary Treasurer of the GA and is a former GA President.