Session details
Karen will support staff through
Moderation of Devised work (portfolios and performances)
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Please bring any portfolio and performance work that you would like to use in moderation.
About the Presenter(s)
Name: Karen Latto
Job title/role: Independent Education Adviser
Karen taught a range of creative subjects in secondary education for seven years between 2007 and 2014 across Herts, Essex and Suffolk. During her teaching career she taught Drama, Music, Performing Arts, Media and English across Key Stages 3-5.
In 2014 Karen joined OCR and led the development of their new GCSE (9-1) Drama and AS/A Level Drama and Theatre qualifications. This involved writing the specifications and sample assessment materials as well as producing resources to support teachers.
She has collaborated with stakeholders including Ofqual and the Department for Education on subject issues and built prominent links with industry practitioners. Karen has also engaged with the press, representing OCR's view on Drama to the public, including being interviewed for BBC Radio and being quoted in national and regional newspapers.
In April 2017, she became an Independent Education Adviser and CPD trainer, supporting the work of teachers across the country. She runs in-house CPD sessions on curriculum and assessment, and consult on a wide range of education projects.
Karen is also a governor of a local primary school and a member of the National Drama Executive Committee.
In October 2017, she started a Masters of Education at Cambridge University in Educational Leadership and School Improvement.