Session details
This is a subject specific workshop aimed at teachers undertaking the new AQA GCSE Geography specification.
This session aims to look at the requirements of the specification relating to paper 3. It will be examining ideas for using the materials in the classroom to prepare students for the examination. It will also look at the skills element of this paper and the assessment of the Issue Evaluation
The session is part of our annual teaching and learning conference. Click on the link below to see the full conference programme.
You can register to attend just the afternoon (when this session occurs, or you can join us for the whole day, including lunch, if you prefer
Click here to return to full conference programme
Copies of any hand-outs used and a copy of /link to any presented materials will appear here.
About the Presenter(s)
Name: Sarah Wheeler
Job title: External speaker
Sarah Wheeler is an outstanding Geography teacher who has worked in a range of schools in Dorset and Devon in various roles including Head of Humanities. She is currently teaching in a selective school in Poole.
Sarah has been a senior examiner for a well known examination board for over 30 years. She has experience in written exam papers, coursework and controlled assessment, has delivered CPD and has worked as an adviser for the examination board. She has worked extensively with schools in planning and moderating controlled assessment and coursework and in tackling grade improvement on the written papers.
Sarah has been involved with the new specification publications, specifically as part of the author team for the Hodder text book and online materials. She also delivers CPD for Hodder Education and has also written materials for Alfie soft online. Most recently she has been involved with writing and editing exam questions for both the Hodder online content and revision guide.