Please note: this session is called COMPUTER NETWORKING: the cornerstone of today's digital world.
(It was originally given the working title Master Teacher CISCO network software, which we have kept here so ICT teachers can find the session from printed publicity details)
Session details
Computer Networking the cornerstone of today’s digital world.
Computer Networks are the infrastructure that underpin the whole global digital revolution. With no networks there would be no phones, no computers, no electricity, no transport, no emergency services and no food in the shops.
It is a significant part of the Computer Science curriculum, but is often overlooked, due to a lack of understanding and ability to run practical exercises. Even when built, the abstract nature of packets and encapsulation are difficult to visualise.
This session will introduce several resources to bring the subject to life that can be used at a variety of levels.
The basic concepts of how we communicate come down to sending electrical pulses representing binary signals. The binary codes themselves represent data and ultimately information. To understand how this works at a fundamental level we use binary data boxes to send information.
The flow of frames and packets in a network, understand the difference between them and how data is encapsulated is a very abstract concept. Aminations using scratch can bring these concepts to life and explain bus, ring and star topologies and well as differences between hubs and switches.
Finally the session will conclude looking at a set of free resources available through the Cisco network Academy and in particular packet tracer which allows us to design, build and run completed networks and investigate protocols such as TCP/IP, DHCP, DNS, HTTP, FTP and many others.
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About the Presenter(s)
Duncan Maidens graduated from University of Newcastle upon Tyne with a degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in 1987.
He started working life as BBC engineer followed by a period as a Royal Navy Instructor Officer. After returning to University and gaining an MSc in Data Telecoms and Computer Networks, Duncan progresses through several research and teaching position at Salford and Staffordshire Universities. Joining Birmingham City University in 2001, he now heads a team of Networking Specialists running the Cisco Academy Program. With the formation of Computing at Schools (CAS) organisation he has actively participated and run many Master Teacher training sessions and regularly Python and Networking workshops for teachers.
In addition he also runs the CAS West Midlands Regional Centre and is a member of the CAS board.