Domains of knowledge for teaching maths mastery

Session details

Domains of Knowledge (part 2)

This is an opportunity to observe an actual taught lesson. The lesson will be taught to pupils using the Maths Mastery concept and will allow delegates to see the principles and themes covered in Part 1 in action.

Delegates are advised to register for BOTH parts of this strand as they are integral to each other.

Details of the first part of this session on Maths Mastery can be found here: 

Click here to return to full conference programme


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About the Presenter(s)

Elizabeth Bridgett is a Secondary Development Lead with Mathematics Mastery; prior to this she taught secondary maths in and around Birmingham for over 15 years. She is an Advanced Skills Teacher and was also designated as a Specialist Leader of Education.

Elizabeth studied Maths at the University of Birmingham and has an MA in School Improvement and Educational Leadership. In 2015, her department won the TES Maths Team of the Year award for its innovative curriculum and equitable approach. Elizabeth took part in the England-Shanghai secondary exchange and is an NCETM Secondary Teaching for Mastery specialist.