Maths in Science

Session details

By participating in this session, you will be able to:

•Understand more about the role of mathematical skills in the new GCSE Science courses.

•Deploy a range of strategies to support students in mastering those skills

•Explain to colleagues the nature of the challenge and consider how to collaborate with colleagues in Maths teams

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About the Presenter(s)

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Name: Dr Iftkhar Hussain

Job title/role: Lead Practitioner Chemistry; SLE

Brief biographical details:

Iftkhar has been teaching for more than 10 years. He has a PhD in Chemistry and has over 10 years of industrial experience. He has worked as a Research Chemist aswell as a Network consultant in the IT industry.

He taught A-level Chemistry at an independent sixth form college before joining Bordesley Green Girls’ School and sixth From. He is a PGCE mentor for Science, with subject specialisms in Chemistry (A-level and GCSE) and Physcis (GCSE).
In his role a SLE he has supported schools with a focus on A-level Chemistry. Iftkhar is a trained Teacher Leader from National STEM Learning Network and has delivered CPD sessions for primary, secondary and further education teachers.

Iftkhar is an outstanding practitioner and this is reflected in the Chemistry examination results.

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