Session details
Domains of Knowledge
What does a teacher of maths need to know in order to teach the subject well? And why is this question important? This session will consider these issues and how they are central when planning to teach maths for mastery. We will look at different domains of knowledge through the teaching of one topic and think about how this can impact our teaching and our students’ learning.
As part of the session, we will look at the key misconceptions that students bring with them, the misconceptions that they develop and how we can mitigate this. The session will focus on planning for both conceptual and procedural understanding and will involve doing lots of maths!
There will also be an opportunity to observe a Mathematics Mastery lesson in action during the second hour
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Copies of any hand-outs to be used and a copy of /link to any presented materials will be available here.
About the Presenter(s)
Elizabeth Bridgett is a Secondary Development Lead with Mathematics Mastery; prior to this she taught secondary maths in and around Birmingham for over 15 years. She is an Advanced Skills Teacher and was also designated as a Specialist Leader of Education.
Elizabeth studied Maths at the University of Birmingham and has an MA in School Improvement and Educational Leadership. In 2015, her department won the TES Maths Team of the Year award for its innovative curriculum and equitable approach. Elizabeth took part in the England-Shanghai secondary exchange and is an NCETM Secondary Teaching for Mastery specialist.